
Monday, August 3, 2015

Why Suze Orman, Dave Ramsey do not want you to retire early

Image result for dave ramsey house pics and suze orman

As with anything in mass media, they need to sell ad space and appeal to the masses to do so. Where are the masses? Mostly in debt, financially illiterate and need to be spoon fed basic advice. These guys are typically poorly educated in their fields which makes them easy to manipulate. Certainly no need for professional advisors there charging 1%.

Investing is a complex topic, with no one-size-fits-all approach. The best advice is to make sure to invest as early as possible to take advantage of compounding and invest your money slowly and with caution. Also leading a more efficient lifestyle is key.

You’ll come to find out building wealth, and goals like early retirement, come easily and are attainable. Also living a balanced life knowing exactly what you really need.

The real point is, if you’re getting your financial education through these "gurus" you’re probably going to live an average life as an employee for Corporation Corps. retiring when you’re too old to actually enjoy your life.

Need an independent financial advisor? Well educated and can help you to figure things out?

Call me at 813 964 7100 or go to

I do have many stories for me and I will answer your questions.

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