
Monday, July 13, 2015

Life Insurance for Smokers: Do e-Cigarettes count?

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How much will smoking raise my premium?

Smokers’ premiums will vary depending on the insurance company, lifestyle variables, age and health but on average the cost is often double compared to non-smokers.

How do life insurance companies define smokers?

Most insurance companies define a smoker as someone who has used a tobacco product in the past 12 months. It doesn’t matter if you smoke from a pipe, cigar or cigarette,10 times-a-day or occasionally, in the eyes of the insurers, if you’re a smoker, you’re a smoker: the health risks are the same.

Do e-Cigarettes count?

In recent years, electronic cigarettes have experienced a surge of popularity. Although e-Cigarettes do not contain any tobacco, they do contain Nicotine.  There is “a lack of medical evidence as to any long-term health benefits” regarding e-Cigarettes and added that “an insurer is increasingly likely to ask if the proposer is using nicotine products, as opposed to what is the weekly tobacco consumption”. Therefore to be registered as a non-smoker, individuals should be tobacco and nicotine free for over 12 months, including e-Cigarettes, nicotine patches and gum.

How much extra premium will be charged if I am a smoker? The extra premium levied on a person varies from company to company. You will have to request quotes from multiple life insurance companies and see the premiums charged by each of them for the same coverage amount. There is bound to be a significant variance among insurance companies. Moreover the company also considers other factors during the computation of premium such as - the type and amount of life insurance, your age, and your health.

If you want to compare quotes please go to:

Or call 813 964 7100 for a quick and personal quote.

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